By mentioning the name of Allah SWT, the Most Merciful, the Most Merciful, We offer worship and praise for His presence, who has bestowed His mercy, guidance, and blessings on us, so that we can complete Indonesian historical papers about national hero figures: KH . Wahid Hasyim
We have compiled this paper as much as possible and get help from various parties. For this reason, we express our gratitude to all those who have contributed to the making of this paper.
Apart from all that, we are fully aware that there are still shortcomings in terms of both the composition of the sentence and the grammar. Therefore with open arms we accept all suggestions and criticisms from readers so that we can improve this paper.
Finally, we hope that our paper can provide benefits and inspiration to readers.
A. Background
Indonesia is a country where the majority of its people adhere to Islam. However, in historical records, there is an Islamic figure who is very wise and able to mediate in the first Pancasila sila conflict. He was able to solve the problem by providing a solution that was fair and acceptable to all parties. He is KH. Wahid Hasyim.
In addition, he also joined in several important organizations such as MIAI, BPUPKI and PPKI. He participated in fighting for Indonesia's independence since he was young.
Not only that, he also fought to fill the Indonesian government after independence was achieved. He occupied the political seat as Indonesia's first Minister of Religious Affairs.
Referring to the explanation above, we appointed National Hero Figures: KH. Wahid Hasyim as the title of our paper.
B. Problem Formulation
1. What is the background of the life of kiai haji hasyim asyari?
2. What are the roles of kiai haji hasyim asyari in the Indonesian struggle?
C. Purpose
1. Knowing the life history of national hero figures: KH. Wahid Hasyim
2. Knowing the role of national hero figures: KH. Wahid Hasyim
3. Can understand the struggle of national hero figures
4. Can emulate the character and mindset of national hero figures
A. Biography of the character
Wahid Hasyim, who is familiar with Gus Wahid, was born on Friday, June 5th, Rabiul Awal 1333 H, which coincided with June 1, 1914 in Tebuireng Village, Jombang, East Java. By his father Hadratus Syeh K.H. His Hasyim Asy'ari was given the name Muhammad Asy'ari, taken from his grandmother's name. Because the name was deemed unsuitable and heavy, Abdul Wahid changed his name to the name of a datuk. But his mother often called Mudin. While the santri and the surrounding community often called Gus Wahid, a call often intended to call the son of a Kyai on Java.
His mother was named K.H's daughter Nafiqah. Ilyas, the leader of the Sewulan boarding school in Medan. The lineage of his father and mother met on Lembeng Peteng (Brawijaya VI), namely from the father's side through Joko Tingkir (Sultan Pajang 1569-1587) and from the mother's side through Kiai Ageng Tarub I.
Since he was 5 years old he learned to read the Koran to his father after completing the evening and dhuhur prayers, while in the morning he studied at the Slafiyah Madrasah near his home. At the age of 7 he began to study the book Fath Al-Qarib (victory for the near ones) and al-Minhaj al-Qawim (the straight path). Since childhood, interest in reading it was very high, various kinds of books were studied. He is very fond of Arabic literature, especially the book Diwan Ash-Syu'ara '(Collection of poets with poems).
When he was 12 years old Wahid Hasyim had finished his studies at the Tebuireng Salafiyah Madrasah, then he studied at the Siwalan Panji hut, Sidoarjo, in the cottage of Kyai Hasyim, his father's ex-father-in-law. There he studied the books of Bidayah, Sullamut Taufik, Taqrib and Tafsir Jalalain. His teacher Kyai Hasyim himself and Kyai Chozin Panji, but he only studied on a daily basis which was for 25 days not as generally santri. His pesantren's intellectual journey continued in the Lirboyo Islamic boarding school, Kediri, but also for several. After that he did not continue his journey to other pesantren, but chose to stay at home and study autonomously from various scientific disciplines. Supported by a high level of intelligence and a strong level of memorization, in learning he had no difficulties.
B. Personality Wahid Hasyim
Since childhood, he was famous as a quiet child, friendly and good at taking people's hearts. Many people are known as people who like to help friends, like to hang out with not looking at the nation, or choose religion, rank and money. Overconfidence in friends, sacrifice, but easily offended and easily angry, but can overcome anger.
Wahid Hasyim lives in an Islamic boarding school environment which is certainly very religious who shapes his personality in how to get along, be organized, educate to be a leader and even become a statesman. Wahid Hasyim's personality is cross-border personality, meaning not only in the form of friction, his dialectics with the pesantren community and NU, but with various communities such as the Islamic movement organization, political parties and government bureaucracies when he served as Minister of Religion.
C. K.H Thought A. Wahid Hasyim
1. Resolve the conflict of divine precepts
As is known that the Team of 9 (nine) state basic formulators consisting of Soekarno, Muh. Hatta, A.A. Maramis, KH A Wachid Hasyim, Abdul Kahar Muzakkir, Abikusno Tjokrosujoso, H. Agus Salim, Ahmad Subardjo and Muh. Yamin, formulated one of the sounds of the Jakarta Charter, namely: "Godhead, with the Obligation to Carry Out Islamic Shari'ah for its Adherents".
Before the Preambule (Preambule) was passed, on August 17, 1945 Mohammad Hatta expressed the aspirations of the people of Eastern Indonesia who threatened to separate themselves from Indonesia if the "Ketuhanan" points were not changed in essence.
Finally after discussing with religious leaders including Ki Bagus Hadikusumo, KH Wahid Hasyim, and Teuku Muh Hasan, the first point of the Jakarta Charter was set forth, which was then called the Pancasila with the sound: "The One Godhead."
The cleric who played the role of emphasizing the accommodative concept of Godhead was KH Wahid Hasyim, the young NU cleric son of KH Hasyim Asy'ari who was none other than Gus Dur's father. According to Gus Wahid at the time, "The One Godhead" was the concept of monotheism in Islam. So that there is no reason for Muslims to reject the concept in Pancasila.
That is, with this concept, Muslims have the right to exercise their religious beliefs without discriminating against other religious beliefs. At this point, carrying out the Pancasila means practicing Islamic Sharia in the concept of national and state life. So that there is no attitude of intolerance to national life in the name of ethnicity, religion, and others.
The accommodating Pancasila in the context of the Godhead principle embodies a unique state order in the aspects of religious and state relations. In a sense, the state of Indonesia is not a secular state and not an Islamic state, but a country that seeks to develop religious and religious life (Einar Martahan Sitompul, 2010: 91).
2. Principles of education.
Wahid Hasyim's Islamic education thinking can be observed in some of his works which are loaded in the media. In this book K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim revealed several principles in education, namely:
1. Believe in yourself or the principle of independence.
2. Patience.
3. Education is a process not necessarily.
4. Courage.
5. Principles of responsibility in carrying out tasks.
3. Orientation of Islamic Education.
As a religious educator santri, Wahid Hasyim's main focus was to improve the quality of Muslim resources. Efforts to improve quality according to Wahid Hasyim, are carried out through education, especially Islamic boarding schools. From this it can be understood, that the quality of Muslim humans is largely determined by the high and low quality of physical, spiritual and reason. Physical health is evidenced by the absence of physical disturbances when creativity. While spiritual health is proven by faith and piety to God which is then implemented in real life. Besides being physically and mentally healthy, Muslim humans must have the quality of reason (reason) that is always honed in such a way that is able to provide the right solution, fair and in accordance with Islamic teachings.
Placing the santri in an equal position, or even if possible higher, with other groups seems to be an obsession that grows from a young age. He did not want to see santri with a low position in community relations. Therefore, after returning from studying science, he took part in directly fostering his father's boarding school.
First he tried to apply the classical education model by combining elements of religious science and general sciences in his pesantren (Mustafa, 1999). It turned out that the trial was considered successful. Therefore he knew as a pioneer of classical education and modern education in the world of boarding schools. For education Wahid Hasyim Islamic boarding schools contribute their thoughts to make changes. Many changes in the world of pesantren must be done. Starting from the goal to the teaching method.
In making changes to the pesantren education system, he made careful planning. He did not want this movement to fail halfway. For that, he held the following steps:
a. Describe goals as clearly as possible
b. Describing how to achieve that goal Gives confidence and means, that truly goals can be achieved.
According to him, the purpose of education is to encourage santri who have mercy, fear of Allah and have skills to live. This means that with the knowledge he has, he is capable of living well in the community, independent, not a burden to others. Santri who do not have life skills will face various problems that will narrow the journey of his life. Thus it can be understood that Wahid Hasyim's educational goals are Teocentric (Ketuhanan) as well as Anthropocentric (humanity). This means that education must meet between worldly needs and ukhrowi, morality and truth, with a point of emphasis on cognitive abilities (faith), affection (science) and psychomotor (charity, ahlak noble).
4. Islamic Education Material.
The material designed by Wahid Hasyim in education is divided into three: First, Islamic religious sciences such as jurisprudence, interpretation, hadith and other religious sciences. Second, non-religious sciences such as psychology, mathematics, and Third, language skills, namely English, Dutch and Indonesian.
5. Educational Method.
The educational methods adopted by K.H.A. Wahid Hasyim is a model of his father's teaching model, Hasyim Asy'ari, in the form of cultivating high confidence in his students. This is evidence that Wahid Hasyim's thought patterns with his father, Hasyim Asy'ari, have many similarities, or in other words that the systems and techniques applied by Wahid Hasyim are a continuation of the system and technique of Hasyim Asy'ari. As for examples such as:
a. Student responsibility
- Do not delay opportunities in learning or not lazy.
- Be careful, avoid things that are less useful.
- Glorifying and paying attention to the rights of teachers, following in the footsteps of the teacher.
- Sit neatly when faced with the teacher.
- Speak politely and politely with the teacher.
- If there is something that cannot be understood, you should ask.
- Learn the lessons that have been given by the teacher istiqomah.
- Bring out high ideals.
- Instill enthusiasm in learning.
b. Teacher's responsibility
- Be calm and be careful when acting.
- Practicing the Prophet's Sunnah.
- Not using his knowledge to reach the glittering world.
- Berahlakul karimah and always sowing greetings.
- Avoid yourself from dirty and immoral places.
- Give advice and admonish well if there is a stubborn child.
- Prioritizing material that is important and in accordance with the profession that is owned.
D. Role of Wahid Hasyim
1. Founder of Nahdlotul Ulama
2. In 1938 he was elected chairman of the Indonesian Ala Islamic Council (MIAI)
3. In 1943 replaced his father to lead Shumubu (Islamic religious affairs agency)
4. One member of BPUPKI
5. One of the committee members is nine
6. One of the leaders who signed the Jakarta Charter on June 22, 1945 in Jakarta
7. Served as minister of religion during the Hatta cabinet and Natsir's cabinet
8. Establish several schools and colleges in 14 provinces in Indonesia
KH. Wahid Hasyim lived in a religious
environment since childhood. His father was a great Islamic scholar; founder of
Nahdlotul Ulama (NU). the time was spent studying in the school. With his
intelligence and his passion in reading books, Wahid developed into an
authoritative and wise figure.
Many of
his thoughts were poured out in various organizations he participated in such
as MIAI, BPUPKI and PPKI. Wahid Hasyim's most important role is his success in
resolving the issue of divine precepts by replacing the precepts which read
"Godhead, with the Obligation to Carry Out Islamic Law for the
Adherents" with precepts that read "Godhead the Almighty" and
certainly acceptable to all party. However, his thoughts were also given to the
world of education, especially Islamic education.
With the writing of this paper, we hope that
readers can be inspired to continue to fill the independence that the heroes
have championed with things that bring benefits. Readers can emulate the nature
and good behavior of national heroes, especially KH. A. Wahid Hasyim.
The most
important thing is to always maintain the unity of the Republic of Indonesia by
respecting and respecting each other, not differentiating between ethnic
groups, religions or races and maintaining tolerance for each other.
Wikipedia Bahasa Indonesia: wahid hasjim.
Radis. Juli 2013. Para Pahlawan Terhebat Pengubah Indonesia: Palapa
dan Abdulloh Aly. 1999. Sejarah Pendidikan Islam di Indonesia.
Bandung: CV Pustaka Setia.
Lathiful. 2008. Fajar Kebangkitan Ulama, Biografi KH. Hasyim Asy’ari.
Yogyakarta: PT LKiS Pelangi Aksara.

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